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Hello, I want to open new endings, but I have no idea how to do it, is there a tip for this? and I don't see any information about how many endings there are, I don't know if it's my fault:

10/10 goofy ahh guy with a goofy ahh past i love him sm

Absolutely loved this game, and I wish I had played it sooner! I'm aiming to 100% it since I'm that obsessed with it, I already got all the endings but I noticed I'm missing a lot of CGs from the CG gallery. Specifically from N-99 to N-120 (N-119 weirdly is unlocked for me though despite never having seen that scene?). You don't have to give specific answers if that's too spoilery but if you could give hints I'm curious as to where you would encounter a lot of these? Since I never did with any of the endings. Thanks in advance and I cannot wait to check out the other games you have published!

Hello, I like this indie game very much. The plot is very rich and wonderful, but I am Chinese. I need to use my translator whenever I want to understand the meaning here.Are you interested in making a Chinese version of this game?(≧ω≦)/

i would love to make more translations of the game, but sadly i do not have any money to pay translators. it is a dream for someday though.

i appreciate you enjoying the game though ;w; <3

Ok, thank you for your reply.Wish you can realize this dream!_(:з」∠)_

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⚠️Spoiler (?)

What is the purpose of Tate's wooden wolf? Waaa I'm trying to get other endings but I can't do much, help

P.s will there be more Tate and Randall plushies? I didn't get to buy them 🤧

the wooden wolf is something you need to unlock the tate/messiah ending (it has no further use than being a collectable, when i do a steam release itll be an achievement) i may in the future do an update where it unlocked something in the bonus room tho!

and sadly no, the tate/randall plushies were a one time run ;-; randall didnt make the 400 quota so i wont be able to do a restock of them u-u you may be able to find them second hand but they were made in VERY limited supply

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Hello! I really love your games, and enjoy the artstyle with characters! I just wanted thank you for your work :)

(p.s. I love Vic)

I can download the game, but I cannot play it. Following all the instructions I was given. Goes smoothly up until I load the game. I can't get passed the title screen because it will not let me press any button in the game. Audio plays and animations work. But I am not sure what or where I went wrong or if it is something I did or if I am missing something. :(

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could i ask what button youre using? are you using your keyboard or a controller?

are you able to use the arrow keys to change the selection on the title screen? you should be able to use the spacebar to press start O: lemme know if none of that is working for you

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Oh my stars, thanks you so much! I didn't think about that. I had just been using my mouse and the arrow keys worked. Thank you!!!!

spoiler!!! pllzz help im stuck in the hospital...

so i just finished the cutscene where mya turned into the monster, and now im supposed to go to the lobby and enter the door at the top right. buuuut it has a combination lock and apparently i only have the second paper with the three numbers... WHERE IS THE FIRST ONE HELP ME  

cafeteria has a puzzle, you can still do it at this point in the game ^^

Just wanting to say how much i love this game bro, yours guys made an amazing work on every ending and on the scenarios! <3

Hello! I don't know what I might have missed, but on the grey map with Randall (Moth's Dream) I can't move to another map through a puddle behind fences, but phones and trash cans are working :( Help please

you can, you just gotta find the spot you can go through O:

unless your talking about the area completely surrounded by tall fence, then you need to use the trach cans to teleport in there, all the trash cans have a random generator so you just essentially need to try til you get in, it can either be the first try or upwards of the 15th+, ifs just luck based but youll get in there if you keep trying!

idk if youve played yume nikki, but its similar to a part where you click on hat and scarfs and it teleports you around randomly til you find the right area

idk if it's because i'm dumb or my laptop's the issue but i genuinely cannot get past the first bit in the streets. Like, I've watched and read literally all the walk-through there are for this game but that bloody map won't spawn can someone help lol 😭😭

from the starting point youll go straight down until you hit the bottom of the screen, then click the space key to interact with it, the map should appear behind you and you can pick it up with the space key (the space key is how you will interact with your surroundings), then go down and click space to continue the way you were going, you should be teleported to the next map!

lemme know if youre still having trouble!

I am having problem downloading this game can someone help me?? It says files aren't available

Hello!! ^_^

I've been having a problem every time I open the game :((

Whenever I open it I can't hear any audio, no matter what I do. I've re-downloaded it multiple times. 

Does somebody know how to fix this?? Thank you in advance :3

did you check to see if audio is working in other games? i would recommend restarting your computer and making sure your audio isnt feeding somewhere else!

I tried playing John Doe too, the audio didn't work either. How can I check where the audio is feeding? (in case it is)

check your audio drivers, check your speaker output

(1 edit)

i love this game so much from time to time playing once again and getting a little jump in each chase (still make me get a bit scared and full of adriline lov that) but i get stuck in the fisrt dream just exactly when i use the chainsaw to do the hole, when i got off and go to the sewer i cant past from that, i saw a video where they keep the chainsaw but when i try that i couldn't *sobs*

oh could you explain a little more?

the chainsaw bit has been updated to have a new puzzle so videos of that part might be a bit outdated! now when you enter the room you got the chainsaw, youll notice theres a few pillars with lights on them, interact with them and the room will change when you solve the puzzle and a new path will open on the bottom left side of the room! 

you dont keep the chainsaw when you enter the sewer though, you no longer need it down there O: theres a water box puzzle youll need to solve to progress in the sewer, lemme know if you need help with it!

actully yes, im quite lost i spend like 3 hours on the same thing but thank you so much to replied me, my english is the worst so many of the things i say didn't make so  much sense hhaha

no worries! i hope what im saying is understandable, let me know if i need to rephrase anything!

when you get into the sewer you want to go to the room on the left of the screen and youll see a panel on the top of the next room. interact with the switches until the boxes in the previous room all line up into a pathway! you may want to press a switch and then check the other room to see where the boxes moved to get the order they need to go in ^w^ !

thank you so much!!! i really needed it aaaaaa

Sorry to but into the conversation here, but I am having an issue with the same puzzle? I can't see any adjacent room to the left, and no matter what order I hit these lamps in, i always get the "got you" game over. My friends and I have been really enjoying the game thus far, but I'm afraid we can't go any further until we pass this puzzle. I've tried hitting these in every order I can think of. Could you tell me the correct order to hit them? Thank you in advance

???? you shouldnt be getting the "got you" thing until you enter the next room O: thats very odd.. you didnt open an old save or anything from a previous build right?

the order of the lights dont matter, you should just be able to turn off 3 of them, then the new door opens to the left, i havent heard anyone getting the death scene before entering the next room, in fact i dont even think that should be possible since the event doesnt exist in the room hmm...

im sorry youre getting this weird glitch, lemme see if i can try to replicate it!

How do u trust purple DC.exe so i can download the game.

there should be a little button that says "more options" and you should be able to click download anyway, you can also check your firewall and permissions. my partner had this issue downloading it on his new pc so i hope this helps!

Deleted 54 days ago

This game is low key pretty awesome 

i wanna download it but both chrome and Microsoft keep saying the files arent available on the site. im not sure if thats on my end or what! 

i think its your firewall, check if you allow downloads from itchio if you can!

Just got my Randall and Tate plushies today!!! Fell in love with this game,had to have them and they're perfect 💜

i made a short 'funny moments' compilation from your game by the way! (i would include a direct link in the description but YouTube is putting me under restrictions keeping me from doing so :( ) 

I can do Russian localization of this game, if you do not mind, Scopophobia Studios?

i played through the demo and waited for the full game- thank you for making it on sale for free! i loved it and more!

for some reason it wont let me use the combination lock on the door in the main lobby of the hospital. randall keeps saying the dialogue from when you first look at it :-(

I had that too, you gotta get the other piece of paper by pushing the chair into its place in the cafeteria. Hope it helps :3


yww  ^w^

Didn't play the whole game yet, but I already love it really much! The plot is well done and the characters are really well made!
Still, I struggle a lot with the fact, that it's kinda hard to play and run away, when you're being chased, because you constantly need to press the shift again, when you change movement direction. You need to focus on the running AND the shift, what is a real struggle to me. Hope you'll see this and maybe try to fix the problem or give an advice or something. *cry*

unfortunately that is a very very common game mechanic in rpg maker games ^^;;; pretty much every rpg maker horror game will be the same when it comes to running (i.e witches house, misao, IB, etc)

i appreciate you enjoy the game though, sorry this style of game is a bit difficult ;w;

I love this game so much,, Vic is my favorite character, very crucial to the story that guy is!! Always wearing his stupid name tag like he's so important, good for him. Good for him. Ah but I do genuinely really like this game!! I only got one ending so far, which was the bad one, but I'm gonna try and actually finish this game!! 

for some reason, I can't save :') I can open the menu and every thing but if I try to save over or make a new save, I cant. It makes a noise (Which I'm assuming means no) someone helppp

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you can save through out the game on randalls diary (located in his closet to the left of his apartment), on mya's cat if youre playing as Mya, on various notepads in the hospital or on randall's diary through out the dream worlds! you also later save the game on his diary when playing as mya !

EDIT oh wait, do you mean it wont let you save from the save points? if thats the issue, id say you might have to reinstall the game ;o; it seems like a couple people have had some weird glitches when installing the game and im not sure why, but its rare and not always the same glitch (youre the first person to have a saving issue like this)

ik its been six days, I've been really putting this off because my last save was near the beginning of the hospital bit and I was too scared to redo it but my computer shut off so I lost the unsaved progress anyway ;-; if I delete and reinstall, I'll still have the saved progress, right? its not going to restart everything?

(Also, just wanted to say I hope this isn't coming across as rude. I've played all your games and honestly think your style is so cool)

you should be able to keep your save and transfer it to the new download! just go into your current files and find the file thats called "Save01" (or whichever number save you wanna keep), drag that file onto your desktop (or place you can keep track of it), then delete the other files, redownload the game and after you install it just drag that save file over into the folder and you should be able to load it up from there! 

im sorry for the trouble! im not sure why you cant save at save points ;-; i havent heard anyone else getting this issue, just to make sure though, this save file isnt from an older version of the game right? if it is from an older build of the game, it can mess it up because you USED to be able to save from menu, but thats since been removed and if you were to try to save from menu with an old build save it would probably mess up O:

and no worries! hope this fixes it!

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I haven't been able to save so I've left it at the scene where Mya walks out of the hospital room after saying she'll catch up. I'm 90% sure that's a chase scene and I cant remember if I die and it goes back to the last save or if I go back to the start of the chase

(The walk through doesn't say if its a chase but I have such horrible memory that I'm actually scared to open it in case I have to go all the way back because I can't remember what I've done)

you should have gotten an auto save prompt there O: there is a chase, but if youre worried about getting through that part ill give you some tips!

make sure you took the pain medicine in your inventory (this will increase your walk speed to normal if you havent done so), be right to the left of the trail of blood leading up (this will place you in front of the door so you should be able to just press up and run out faster), head to the second floor (NOT the first) and then go across the board and to the lobby, go across the lobby and into the original part of the hospital, do NOT use the elevator and head to the stairs! that should get you past the chase!

you cant save from menu btw, but if you saved at the prompt youll reload from there

Helloooo!, I loved the game, I love Randall and his backstory, but I have a problem that doesn't let me advance even in the demo I had it, I don't know why when I'm already in the hospital part, in the third floor before the bug appears again, you are supposed to find a code with which you can access the moth room, but in my game I only have half of the code, I don't get the other half and that being the case, even if the thing happens monster still not It is unlocked for me to enter the code even though I know it, I don't know what to do or if it is my problem :/

(sorry for my mistakes, i'm latino jajaja)

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you get the other half from the cafeteria ^w^ (theres a chair outta place)

MY GOD thank you very much!!! I managed to pass it and I feel excited to try the full game, although now I have no idea what to do HAHAHAHA he doesn't want to sleep or go anywhere, anyway it helps me to investigate all the corners better, thanks again for the help!!

i do have a walkthrough available if you get stuck! this is very much a "click on everything" kind of game ;w; so make sure you try to click around!

Hewwo, I want to do the No pills Ending, how many times I need to try to leave the apartament until it allows me to go out?

(Sorry for the bad English ;-;)

(2 edits)

ah so! on day 2 ('3'? the day after you meet mya, but before you meet tate), you wanna say 'no' to the pills and then go to the front door and just click to leave the front door a couple times (i think its 3 or 4?) and itll just let you leave! just keep clicking it once you dont take the pills and things turn slightly purple tinted!

Thank youu!! :D

I remember this game!!! I played it in 2018!!! Can't wait to see what what changes are!! (pt2 of this comes soon) 

oH!!! I REMEMBER YOUR URL!!!! HI!!! i hope you like the new version!!! it has quite a lot more content than it used to so i hope you have a good time with it :D

Hey so I played this game almost all the way through, the walkthrough is telling me to get something from Tate's closet to escape, but when I search there is nothing. This is on the bad ending

thats weird O: you should have get an ax from his closet during the fire, did you get to that point?

Oh shit, I didn't read it right, no I hadn't gotten to that point yet thank you and sorry to bother >_<" 

no worries!! sorry for the confusion ^w^ i tried to write the walkthrough as spoiler free as i could but it ended up being a little confusing bc of that ;w;

I really want to say I love this game but every time I boot it up and start to play, the moment I need to walk away from that god forsaken hospital I cant. I really don't know how to fix this. my bottom arow key sends me directly back next to the doors and so does my left arow key, my forward and right keys do nothing at all. I don't know how to progress in any way like this, I just want to get this greasy man home.   

hm sounds like your keybinds may have gotten messed up somehow O: are you using a gamepad? if so try your keyboard

if that doesnt work, i would recommend redownloading and reinstalling the game or restarting your computer! sometimes little glitches like this happen ;w; im terribly sorry for the trouble!

thank you so much! ill be trying all of this to see if any of it fixes my game!

i played the game, 10/10 love it. but how do i get into the bonus room? i got 2 endings but never got into the bonus roo

you wanna get the true ending! theres a walkthrough available in the downloads for it! youll wanna collect all the diary pages as well cause in the bonus room theres bonus chapters that unlock as you find pages! (theres also a walkthrough for the diary page locations!)

Really sorry to bother, but hen downloaded it said "file wasn't available on site"?

huh thats very strange O: other people have had no issues

i recommend refreshing your browser and just trying again! if you could possibly upload an image here to let me see what youre seeing i could try to figure it out, but it just sounds like a random error sjgfsdjf

(2 edits)

so I’m mostly a mobile game person, so I need a little help! so I installed the file with the blue box, I clicked on the red dragon, and the game popped up, but I can’t click on new game or anything (editing since I can’t delete my comment, I figured it out lol, I just can’t use my mouse, but I’ve figured the keys out, I already love the game!)

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hi mortis I’m just wondering what app you use to make ur games???

this game was made in rpgmaker VX ace!

Thank you!!!

espero que en algun momento este en español :c por ahora lo juego en ingles , igual entiendo algunas cosas :)

hi, i just downloaded this game and am looking to play it, but when i tried to open it my pc automatically blocks it, is this a common issue? i'm just making sure that it's normal and i can just proceed as usual,, i really wanna play lol 

this is a very common issue, when you downloaded it, you should have seen a little box under the download that mentioned what to do, but essentially your windows firewall blocks unknown app developers (it happens to even me if i download my own games on different computers)

you should be able to click "run anyway"! i assure you, i would never give someone a virus and you can check the other comments that its safe lol

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how the hell do i run?? ToT

nvm its with shift

how can i save the progress?

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you can save through out the game on randalls diary (located in his closet to the left of his apartment), on mya's cat if youre playing as Mya, on various notepads in the hospital or on randall's diary through out the dream worlds! you also later save the game on his diary when playing as mya !

When you start the game everything goes well but in the part where Randall leaves the hospital to go home and a thunder falls that makes him sigh, at that moment I explored everywhere and nothing appeared, I even saw a video on youtube where when you went straight you arrived and crashed and a small glow appeared that was a map, I restarted the game and did exactly what the guy in the video did but nothing appeared :[, I hope I'm not the only person who has this problem and that someone can help me solve it :[

the item isnt showing up when you press to leave the area?

id say try restarting your computer and retrying, or even deleting the game and redownloading! sometimes files can get corrupted and result in weird glitches like that when you install the game!

you wanna go straight down from the hospital, click space or enter to go to the next area, once the item appears behind, grab it and then continue down and it should continue like normal!

sorry for the issue!

Thank you very much! I followed your advice and fortunately it worked, also thanks for helping so quickly, now I can enjoy the game,  THANKSSS <3

ofc!!! im so glad it worked ! ^w^ hope you have fun :D

hi, i got to the part of the game where i have to get into the staff room, but i only have the second part of the code... can i ask where is it at least roughly supposed to be, or at what point in the game?

theres a puzzle in the cafeteria ^w^ if you didnt get it, randall shoulda mentioned it after the moths chase, but you can go do that still, so dont worry

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