I saw this game and thought it would be really cute to play!! however I am unable to due to there not being the map needed. I am really upset by this and wonder if anyone knew why/how to fix this? thanks! IMAGE EXAMPLE LINK
hi i bought the game after having interest in it for a while about ten minutes ago and went through all the usual download steps. the game will technically run but if i try to move to the tab it freaks out (for lack of better word) and glitches me out of the tab. the game still runs while this happens.
i did all the standard reinstall and make sure my pc is updated but its still an issue. its unplayable for me.
huh thats really weird O: is the game launching in full screen or windowed? could you try restarting your computer and making sure theres no other programs running and try again? if its fullscreen when you launch it, try to open the game and click f1 (or fn+f1) and select to not launch in full screen and then close and reopen it
Hi,I bought this game an hour ago and In some parts of the game, which are almost the majority that i have played, there are fps drops. I'm sure it's because of my computer, but I would like to refund it.Its my first time buying a game on itch.io, so i dont know if i can get a refund or where can i get it. Someone can help me with this doubt, please?
im unable to issue refunds because itchio doesnt do that as far as i know (ive had issues with games on here and when i messaged they told me they cant do it as well so i just dealt with the loss)
you can try to contact your bank and ask for a charge back but thats the only thing i can think of
sorry you were unable to play the game, though i have heard if you run the game as administrator it helps with the fps issue on weaker computers so maybe you could try that first? O:
Oww, thats a shame. I tried to run the game as administrator and it helped me a bit with the fps, Where there is still constant lag is in small rooms like Randall and Tate's apartment or the hospital rooms, especially in Randall's apartment when it is daylight since I move and I cannot see Randall's animations when walking, like this I have to open and close the menu to see the position change. Thanks for the reply btw!
oh thats so weird O: you could also try restarting your computer and making sure you have no other programs open while you play! my laptop is pretty laggy with most games so making sure nothing else is open helps me usually! im very sorry for the issues ;3; if you still want a refund i hope you can contact your bank about it, im sorry itchio doesnt really do refunds as far as im aware ;-;
another fix could be either playing it windowed or playing it full screen! whichever youre not doing, try the opposite!
Despite the lag it is playable, so I finished the game! I finished it with the true ending, I plan to get the other endings :D I loved the game and the characters, soooo I dont want to refund anymore (thanks for reply again jdjsj)
hi there! I'm a huge fan of the game and downloaded it recently, but I'm having trouble passing certain levels and I can't seem to download the walkthrough and can't find any full playthroughs on youtube. could someone help me out please?
this game is so cool! found out about it through my friend who actually is interested in your games since loooong time! and i think your games are super-duper cool, thank you for givings us such interesting games :)
still didn't finish this one though, too hard to make it out in the third dream, but I'm really trying, love the characters and the gameplay and everything is just AWESOME!!!!
there may be small bug fixes or tweak updates, but this is the finished game! any updates will also be free after purchase including the steam release next year
Really love the game and am super happy to finally play it! I do have a question and I could definitely missed or skipped over something but how do I save the game?
finally got the time off to play through the whole game and had such a fun time playing and collecting all the endings, true ending seriously had my jaw dropped OTL
instead of all my word vomit of thoughts about this game I'll just say I had a great time learning about the characters, exploring the maps, finding secrets and cameos(those bonus chapters especially AGH) and i can't wait for future projects!!
also curious about the phobia project, i remember there being a demo for the game but I can't seem to find it anymore, is it getting reworked?
aahhh im so so glad you had a good time with it!!! ;w;
and the phobia project demo was taken down for the time being due to it being VERY outdated, we're working on the updated version and it should be up in a couple months! >w<
I really like the game! But during the hospital part where you're supposed to run it like cuts to meet instantly dying and won't even let me run but I'm not sure if the game is bugging or if it's actually my computer
This is honestly such a fun game my only regret is not learning about it sooner however there is a singular cg I have yet to obtain which is N-51 even though I've gotten all endings (which btw were all amazing I cried so much) and I was wondering if I could perhaps have some sort of clue on which ending I've to do again?
and hmm... N-51 is the title screen image for the bunny's PURPLE game, if you already got the true ending and its not showing up, that's unfortunately a glitch ;-; the script used to make the gallery gave me some issues and im trying to figure out what the problem is OTL
if you have a save that you can use to play the mini game again, i would recommend playing it and then saving on a new slot after and then checking to see if it shows up! saving usually locks in the gallery pictures, but sometimes they just wont register :( i had that issue with myas cg and though i had fixed that bug OTL my apologies!
Thank you for replying! I have just replayed the minigame and saved it onto a new slot but unfortunately the cg is still not showing up, I've not really seen anyone else talk about this so perhaps it could be a problem on my end? I'm not too sure. If this really is a glitch I hope it doesn't give you too much of a headache to fix :'D
hello!! I'm back again lol, spoiler warning for anyone reading this!!!
I think I'm in the final dream, and I've gotten all of the diary pages except for 13. I don't know where to find it, I've looked through all the rooms I could go into 😭 (btw very cool Omori/Yume Nikki vibes to the rooms!!! I very much enjoy them). I saw something about it being near a "flesh staircase in the final dream", but I don't know what that's referring to or where to find it. Does anyone have any hints? Thank you in advance to anyone who replies to this!!
ah so youll go through the dream until you get the cutscene with the mother in the middle of the room (she'll talk to moths for a bit) and then youll be teleported in front of a fleshy staircase. instead of going up it, turn around and walk down the map! you cant miss the staircase as its part of the storyline progression ^w^
hope this helps and i hope youre having fun with the game!
hii helloo! Me again uhh, i was wondering when talking to eve as moths, what language or code does she speak in? Im trying to decode it :3 (i love lore!!)
hi!! this has probably been asked before and it's probably a dumb question, but is there a way to progress through the first day without meeting Mya, or is she a part of every playthrough? I just want to make sure I didn't miss anything while I attempt to get the true ending LOL
you have to get her cutscene to progress the game! to get the true end, just make sure to search every floor and click on everything you can (if you want to do it without the walkthrough) >w<
Hello, dear game developers! I really like your games, I would like to ask you if there will be a sequel to "John Doe" or "House Hunting"? If so, please tell me, what is the approximate time when she can come out?
yes! we plan to have the demo up soonish! we have a couple other things we're doing atm but we're working on the cgs and story writing in between >w< !
How come there’s a save option in the demo but no the full version? :(
I can understand if it just adds to the challenge but I wanna make sure this isn’t a glitch and it’s just meant to be like this lol
Save feature is meant to be removed in the full game ^^ you can save on the diaries throughout the game, at the auto saves before big events or myas cat if youre playing as mya!
About the dark monster or whatever it is. At first it was scary, yes. But then it becomes UTTERLY ANNOYING. This thing appears out of nowhere and ruins my progress all the time.
he only shows up for a chase 4 times (2 of those times is in succession in the basement, one small one in the cafeteria and the last one is through the hospital out the second floor) O: make sure you save often ;w;
are you holding down shift to run? O: ALSO make sure you took the pills from your inventory if youre on the last chase in the second part of the hospital! it makes you run faster!
Hello! Idk what happened but my progress is all gone- I got a new laptop and downloaded the game. I just started a new game because of course, it's a new laptop. Now all of it is gone fsr? Any idea how I can fix this? :')
I apologize in advance for any mistakes in the comment as my English is poor.
I even felt sorry for Moth, he really wanted to stitch up Randall, but he did it in rather radical ways.Of course, not only him, but Mia and Randall himself.
I look forward to your future projects and thank you for the wonderful game^^
while playing through the part where you jump through different worlds,after i clicked the blue thingy in the black and white world i got a popup saying something about a bitmap not being found :( and in the hospital after you pick up the wood board and randall puts it back saying he doesnt need it, i went back into the xray room and when i walked through the door randall said it was good to cross now and the board was there too LMAO other than that GREAT GAME I LOVE IT SO BAD
the game crashing during that sequence happened to me consistently until i decided to run the game as an administrator and it ran fine after that!! after playing the true end to completion and working on the other endings id like to say, WOW!!!! i had been waiting on the release for purple for a while, and unfortunately when it came out i ended up hospitalized and FINALLY got the chance to play (THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR POSTING FREE CODES !! i turned on all your post notifs to get one lmao, its so generous to give those out for something that has so much heart and soul put into it, i plan on paying for the game regardless when i can afford it :) )
i wasnt really sure what to expect going in, ive been keeping up with scopophobia studio projects for about a year or two now and had seen people saying stuff like Moths is a stereotypical evil alter yadda yadda so i will admit i was a little nervous, but the people saying that are bonkers because there is so much more to Moths than just being "evil" , there is so much DEPTH to randall and the gang (is there a official way to refer to them all ???)
purple is an absolutely gorgeous portrayal of trauma and being a system, the best ive ever seen!! obv not like, medically, but the experience for the lack of better words. i have never in my life related to a character or story more. ive never been so immersed in anything before either !! the representation with mya is absolutely fantastic and in my opinion, SO REALISTIC !!! throughout the game everyone is characterized and written so well, its easy to get to know them without having a deep dive into them which i find is kind of rare and difficult to do. who they are as a person shines through every interaction we get to see.
i can not find a single flaw !! its clear so much love was poured into the making of purple. everything is just astonishing, the story itself, the writing, the visuals, the characters and their relationships, everything !!
anyways, sorry for such a long message as a reply to something so silly. i felt like i had to say something to you and the world about how fascinating this game is :3
also kind a strange question but-Is Randall naturally born w/ sharp teeth or did they become like that over time? (Idk bc I look at Paloma and she has sharp teeth but idk)
all the purpuras have sharp teeth! when i originally made randall in 2015 his sharp teeth were meant to be a stylized representation of chipped and crooked teeth, but over time i just kind of decided they were a genetic trait cause it looks unique XD youll notice that his uncle nicolas also has em, but his father honey does not so its strictly on the purpura side.
hello i havent commented here in quite a while but i have 2 questions one about the game
Ive played almost all endings and i remember in my first playthrough during the third? Dream with moths theres a part of the dream with flowers and stuff and shadow and possibly eve being there but i cant find it again :(
second question is there anyway to get the sprites to the game in some file? Ofcourse if thats okay with you, usually people make edits using sprites (like the sprites when talking/interacting with something or someone!) and ive seen people use different parts of sprites to make themselves or ocs to fit the purple style :3!
hello! to get to the eve area you need to jump back and forth between the holes in the scribble world (the one with the big monster you walk inside the mouth of). its set to a randomized variable so it may take some time to get it to work (its programmed like how uboa in yume nikki works) though keep in mind some computers experienced a crash in random areas of the dream (due to FPS issues) so make sure you save your game before doing it!
and for the sprites, i think you should be able to just open the game files O: if they arent showing up im not entirely sure how people are data mining the game, but you could google how to get into the files of an rpgmaker vx ace game! i did it once before with the lisa rpg games but ive totally forgotten how i did it sjfgdsfj i think theres a program you can download that should rip the files haha
ohhh i swear i only get the part where the burn me alive part shows when entering the mouth i didnt know it was random and thank you! I’ll try it out :3 also i wanted to say thank you for making this game ever since we figured out about it purple has become our top comfort game especially when its one of the games we found with DID representation.
ah those are the base files within rpgmaker x_x it usually hides the game files i added during compression, but i know theres a way to access them, but idk where the tutorial is ;o;
Does anyone know how to get page 7??? I've read the tutorial and searched everywhere in all of the dreams. I could have sworn I got it during my first playthrough, but now that I'm trying to 100% I can't find it. I'm not seeing any other video walkthroughs find it either. Am I just glitched???
(edit) I thought the "burnt bed" was the first bed you appear by, but I'm realizing that's wrong. But I can't find a "burnt bed" anywhere else...
the burnt bed is in the first dream thats in moths brain with the conveyor belts O: its after the first door slams after the hallway, grab the lighter and head to the bottom right corner of the room and you should find the bed!
I think I need some help because I'm a bit lost. I am currently in Moth's nightmare with the multiple doors and such. I found a locker in the red room, but I can't seem to find any code for it... Unless im missing a piece of clue or something?
the hint to the code to the locker is in the phone world (walk to the left of the locker and youll see some arms and legs in a specific shape, walk up through the legs)
the code is a combo of 3 numbers in that world that make the same sound (or is repeated in the phone booths), you have to figure out what order they go in (theres a double number)
although you dont need to figure out the locker to progress the game, its just extra content you can do, theres a walkthrough you can download on the game page thatll walk you through what to do in this area
Thank you so much!! I actually somehow found another way to access the phone room through a phonebooth i found in the maze with eyes and giant monster! And i gotta say its really worth it to finnaly access the locker!! I really love discovering some extra content and easter eggs in your game!! It just say how much you pour your heart into it!! Once again thank you so much for making this game and also for the heart touching experience, right now Im trying to get the secret and Gaspar ending!! Please don't forget to go easy on yourself and keep yourself hydrated ^^
I thought I was being gaslit when I played this a couple years back and that it never existed and this was the new game. I was so fixated on being right I went home to find my old laptop and found the old game on it!
I wanted to leave this comment here, that I love the updateeeeeeeeeeee super worth ti! Im so proud of the amazing work and effort into the 2024 version :)
I am writing through a translator, I hope it will be clear what my problem is ((( I was stuck at the moment of the moth chasing us in the hospital, that is, I was able to escape from him, but what to do next? I have a piece of paper with code 457, but I can't open the doors with it and I can't go out through the exit and through the roof, I can't leave the room at all, I don't understand, maybe I missed something? What could this be about?? Please help me!!(
theres a walkthrough you can download if it helps, its a text document so you should be able to translate it
unfortunately, im not sure exactly where you are in the game, but it sounds like you havent used the phone yet? if you ran from moths in the cafeteria after getting the box cutter, youll get a prompt to use the phone, from there you call the number you found earlier in your inventory
to get that cg you have to do the tate/messiah secret ending! theres a guide for it in the ending guide you can download for free on the itchio page for the game ^w^
this cg in partulcular is if you die during one of the quick time hiding scenes!
ah sorry i dont feel comfortable clicking links, but its the scene where youre supposed to hide in a tent, instead hide under a table during that scene and you should get the cg
hi, in some places I use a translator, but I hope that it will be clear what I mean. I started this amazing game on my Android with the JoiPlay emulator(yes, I know that this game is not supposed to be used on android) everything is fine (although the text is smaller.... maybe I should just look at the settings JoiPlay.)
the only problem is that at first I didn't understand where to save the gameplay. my files were empty, I clicked on the "load" button, and I got an error:
"Script 'Game_System' line 92: NoMethodError occured." "undefined method 'play' for nil:NilClass"
this confused me, then I just played on and realized that only later it would give me the opportunity to save the game..... It's just my stupidity.
I really love this game, thank you a lot. playing it makes me feel calmer in my soul. an amazing feeling
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I saw this game and thought it would be really cute to play!! however I am unable to due to there not being the map needed. I am really upset by this and wonder if anyone knew why/how to fix this? thanks!
lol you just keep going down the path you clicked on to get the map item to show up
you click the street, get the map and then continue the road
hi i bought the game after having interest in it for a while about ten minutes ago and went through all the usual download steps. the game will technically run but if i try to move to the tab it freaks out (for lack of better word) and glitches me out of the tab. the game still runs while this happens.
i did all the standard reinstall and make sure my pc is updated but its still an issue. its unplayable for me.
huh thats really weird O: is the game launching in full screen or windowed? could you try restarting your computer and making sure theres no other programs running and try again? if its fullscreen when you launch it, try to open the game and click f1 (or fn+f1) and select to not launch in full screen and then close and reopen it
Hi,I bought this game an hour ago and In some parts of the game, which are almost the majority that i have played, there are fps drops. I'm sure it's because of my computer, but I would like to refund it.Its my first time buying a game on itch.io, so i dont know if i can get a refund or where can i get it. Someone can help me with this doubt, please?
im unable to issue refunds because itchio doesnt do that as far as i know (ive had issues with games on here and when i messaged they told me they cant do it as well so i just dealt with the loss)
you can try to contact your bank and ask for a charge back but thats the only thing i can think of
sorry you were unable to play the game, though i have heard if you run the game as administrator it helps with the fps issue on weaker computers so maybe you could try that first? O:
Oww, thats a shame. I tried to run the game as administrator and it helped me a bit with the fps, Where there is still constant lag is in small rooms like Randall and Tate's apartment or the hospital rooms, especially in Randall's apartment when it is daylight since I move and I cannot see Randall's animations when walking, like this I have to open and close the menu to see the position change. Thanks for the reply btw!
oh thats so weird O: you could also try restarting your computer and making sure you have no other programs open while you play! my laptop is pretty laggy with most games so making sure nothing else is open helps me usually! im very sorry for the issues ;3; if you still want a refund i hope you can contact your bank about it, im sorry itchio doesnt really do refunds as far as im aware ;-;
another fix could be either playing it windowed or playing it full screen! whichever youre not doing, try the opposite!
Despite the lag it is playable, so I finished the game! I finished it with the true ending, I plan to get the other endings :D I loved the game and the characters, soooo I dont want to refund anymore (thanks for reply again jdjsj)
oh im so glad you were able to play it!!! im glad you enjoyed it and hope you like the other endings as well >w< !!!
hi there! I'm a huge fan of the game and downloaded it recently, but I'm having trouble passing certain levels and I can't seem to download the walkthrough and can't find any full playthroughs on youtube. could someone help me out please?
oh thats strange O:
the walkthroughs should be right here-
lemme know if youre still having trouble downloading them, they should be free to just download and itll just be a notepad text file!
this is the finished game
this game is so cool! found out about it through my friend who actually is interested in your games since loooong time! and i think your games are super-duper cool, thank you for givings us such interesting games :)
still didn't finish this one though, too hard to make it out in the third dream, but I'm really trying, love the characters and the gameplay and everything is just AWESOME!!!!
also Randall is such a cool character!!!!!!!!
rpgmaker VX ace or rpgmaker MV !
Sorry for the question, but will there be updates for the game, or is it finally out?
there may be small bug fixes or tweak updates, but this is the finished game! any updates will also be free after purchase including the steam release next year
Ok, thanks! This game is really good, I don't regret buying it at all 💓
do you guys plan on realeasing this on steam? its easier for me to buy the game there since im not from usa
Oh yeah, I love these developers, sweet boys ;)
The game really brought me out of depression and went through trash with me in my life..Thank you guys
Got this game awhile ago and I absolutely fell in love with everything about it, super excited to get the plushies now too (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
Really love the game and am super happy to finally play it! I do have a question and I could definitely missed or skipped over something but how do I save the game?
you can save on diaries or (if youre playing as mya) on her cat! theres also auto saves throughout the game
Ah I see, where can I find the diary?
oh never mind I found it, tehe
finally got the time off to play through the whole game and had such a fun time playing and collecting all the endings, true ending seriously had my jaw dropped OTL
instead of all my word vomit of thoughts about this game I'll just say I had a great time learning about the characters, exploring the maps, finding secrets and cameos(those bonus chapters especially AGH) and i can't wait for future projects!!
also curious about the phobia project, i remember there being a demo for the game but I can't seem to find it anymore, is it getting reworked?
aahhh im so so glad you had a good time with it!!! ;w;
and the phobia project demo was taken down for the time being due to it being VERY outdated, we're working on the updated version and it should be up in a couple months! >w<
I really like the game! But during the hospital part where you're supposed to run it like cuts to meet instantly dying and won't even let me run but I'm not sure if the game is bugging or if it's actually my computer
which chase if you dont mind me asking?
if its the last chase after the animated cutscene, you wanna head to the second floor, any other floor and he'll get you
if its an earlier chase, try closing the game and running it as administrator, it could be FPS lag on your system!
lemme know if this helped!
This is honestly such a fun game my only regret is not learning about it sooner however there is a singular cg I have yet to obtain which is N-51 even though I've gotten all endings (which btw were all amazing I cried so much) and I was wondering if I could perhaps have some sort of clue on which ending I've to do again?
thank you so much ;w;
and hmm... N-51 is the title screen image for the bunny's PURPLE game, if you already got the true ending and its not showing up, that's unfortunately a glitch ;-; the script used to make the gallery gave me some issues and im trying to figure out what the problem is OTL
if you have a save that you can use to play the mini game again, i would recommend playing it and then saving on a new slot after and then checking to see if it shows up! saving usually locks in the gallery pictures, but sometimes they just wont register :( i had that issue with myas cg and though i had fixed that bug OTL my apologies!
Thank you for replying! I have just replayed the minigame and saved it onto a new slot but unfortunately the cg is still not showing up, I've not really seen anyone else talk about this so perhaps it could be a problem on my end? I'm not too sure. If this really is a glitch I hope it doesn't give you too much of a headache to fix :'D
I've been waiting for this game for a very long time. I've completed three endings so far. I like everything, very cool. The authors are the best
hello!! I'm back again lol, spoiler warning for anyone reading this!!!
I think I'm in the final dream, and I've gotten all of the diary pages except for 13. I don't know where to find it, I've looked through all the rooms I could go into 😭 (btw very cool Omori/Yume Nikki vibes to the rooms!!! I very much enjoy them). I saw something about it being near a "flesh staircase in the final dream", but I don't know what that's referring to or where to find it. Does anyone have any hints? Thank you in advance to anyone who replies to this!!
ah so youll go through the dream until you get the cutscene with the mother in the middle of the room (she'll talk to moths for a bit) and then youll be teleported in front of a fleshy staircase. instead of going up it, turn around and walk down the map! you cant miss the staircase as its part of the storyline progression ^w^
hope this helps and i hope youre having fun with the game!
hii helloo! Me again uhh, i was wondering when talking to eve as moths, what language or code does she speak in? Im trying to decode it :3 (i love lore!!)
ah thats known in the purpleverse as "angelic", its a language i made when i was younger! you can download the font for decoding here-
hi!! this has probably been asked before and it's probably a dumb question, but is there a way to progress through the first day without meeting Mya, or is she a part of every playthrough? I just want to make sure I didn't miss anything while I attempt to get the true ending LOL
you have to get her cutscene to progress the game! to get the true end, just make sure to search every floor and click on everything you can (if you want to do it without the walkthrough) >w<
okay, tysmm!!! I love the game so far I can't wait to get all the endings!!! :3
Hello, dear game developers! I really like your games, I would like to ask you if there will be a sequel to "John Doe" or "House Hunting"? If so, please tell me, what is the approximate time when she can come out?
Will the Phobia Project have a demo if it comes out?
yes! we plan to have the demo up soonish! we have a couple other things we're doing atm but we're working on the cgs and story writing in between >w< !
How come there’s a save option in the demo but no the full version? :( I can understand if it just adds to the challenge but I wanna make sure this isn’t a glitch and it’s just meant to be like this lol
Save feature is meant to be removed in the full game ^^ you can save on the diaries throughout the game, at the auto saves before big events or myas cat if youre playing as mya!
Thank you for a reply! Makes sense but also makes for a challenge I genuinely didn’t expect lol. Love the game so far though!
is the demo still available? i accidently deleted it from my computer:c
Theres a bug or 2 i gotta fix in the demo and then ill be adding it back up!
About the dark monster or whatever it is. At first it was scary, yes. But then it becomes UTTERLY ANNOYING. This thing appears out of nowhere and ruins my progress all the time.
he only shows up for a chase 4 times (2 of those times is in succession in the basement, one small one in the cafeteria and the last one is through the hospital out the second floor) O: make sure you save often ;w;
I hate this fucking moth he kills me all the time😭😭😭
are you holding down shift to run? O: ALSO make sure you took the pills from your inventory if youre on the last chase in the second part of the hospital! it makes you run faster!
yeah, of course, I'm just a stupid bunch of awful reaction
i just bought the game and i think im stuck where im supposed to go home, the first interactive part where it starts raining
head down and use space to interact with the edge of the map to go to the next area ^^
you use space to interact, shift to run!
Hello! Idk what happened but my progress is all gone- I got a new laptop and downloaded the game. I just started a new game because of course, it's a new laptop. Now all of it is gone fsr? Any idea how I can fix this? :')
you would have to move over the saves from your old files into the new file, it doesnt move things automatically.
though if you last played on an older version, the game has had some updates and the saves may no longer work x_x my apologies
ohhh alright, I’ll try that! It’s all good ^^
I apologize in advance for any mistakes in the comment as my English is poor.
I even felt sorry for Moth, he really wanted to stitch up Randall, but he did it in rather radical ways.Of course, not only him, but Mia and Randall himself.
I look forward to your future projects and thank you for the wonderful game^^
while playing through the part where you jump through different worlds,after i clicked the blue thingy in the black and white world i got a popup saying something about a bitmap not being found :( and in the hospital after you pick up the wood board and randall puts it back saying he doesnt need it, i went back into the xray room and when i walked through the door randall said it was good to cross now and the board was there too LMAO other than that GREAT GAME I LOVE IT SO BAD
ah the bitmap error seems to be an fps issue x_x im so sorry for that im currently trying to find a fix for it!
and thank you so much for letting me know about the board! i coulda swore i fixed that, but ill go see if theres any issues with the script!
im glad those were the only issues you encountered!!! im so so glad you enjoyed the game ;w;
the game crashing during that sequence happened to me consistently until i decided to run the game as an administrator and it ran fine after that!! after playing the true end to completion and working on the other endings id like to say, WOW!!!! i had been waiting on the release for purple for a while, and unfortunately when it came out i ended up hospitalized and FINALLY got the chance to play (THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR POSTING FREE CODES !! i turned on all your post notifs to get one lmao, its so generous to give those out for something that has so much heart and soul put into it, i plan on paying for the game regardless when i can afford it :) )
i wasnt really sure what to expect going in, ive been keeping up with scopophobia studio projects for about a year or two now and had seen people saying stuff like Moths is a stereotypical evil alter yadda yadda so i will admit i was a little nervous, but the people saying that are bonkers because there is so much more to Moths than just being "evil" , there is so much DEPTH to randall and the gang (is there a official way to refer to them all ???)
purple is an absolutely gorgeous portrayal of trauma and being a system, the best ive ever seen!! obv not like, medically, but the experience for the lack of better words. i have never in my life related to a character or story more. ive never been so immersed in anything before either !! the representation with mya is absolutely fantastic and in my opinion, SO REALISTIC !!! throughout the game everyone is characterized and written so well, its easy to get to know them without having a deep dive into them which i find is kind of rare and difficult to do. who they are as a person shines through every interaction we get to see.
i can not find a single flaw !! its clear so much love was poured into the making of purple. everything is just astonishing, the story itself, the writing, the visuals, the characters and their relationships, everything !!
anyways, sorry for such a long message as a reply to something so silly. i felt like i had to say something to you and the world about how fascinating this game is :3
I think Randall’s nails should be considered a self-defense weapon.
also kind a strange question but-Is Randall naturally born w/ sharp teeth or did they become like that over time? (Idk bc I look at Paloma and she has sharp teeth but idk)
all the purpuras have sharp teeth! when i originally made randall in 2015 his sharp teeth were meant to be a stylized representation of chipped and crooked teeth, but over time i just kind of decided they were a genetic trait cause it looks unique XD youll notice that his uncle nicolas also has em, but his father honey does not so its strictly on the purpura side.
hello i havent commented here in quite a while but i have 2 questions one about the game
Ive played almost all endings and i remember in my first playthrough during the third? Dream with moths theres a part of the dream with flowers and stuff and shadow and possibly eve being there but i cant find it again :(
second question is there anyway to get the sprites to the game in some file? Ofcourse if thats okay with you, usually people make edits using sprites (like the sprites when talking/interacting with something or someone!) and ive seen people use different parts of sprites to make themselves or ocs to fit the purple style :3!
hello! to get to the eve area you need to jump back and forth between the holes in the scribble world (the one with the big monster you walk inside the mouth of). its set to a randomized variable so it may take some time to get it to work (its programmed like how uboa in yume nikki works) though keep in mind some computers experienced a crash in random areas of the dream (due to FPS issues) so make sure you save your game before doing it!
and for the sprites, i think you should be able to just open the game files O: if they arent showing up im not entirely sure how people are data mining the game, but you could google how to get into the files of an rpgmaker vx ace game! i did it once before with the lisa rpg games but ive totally forgotten how i did it sjfgdsfj i think theres a program you can download that should rip the files haha
ohhh i swear i only get the part where the burn me alive part shows when entering the mouth i didnt know it was random and thank you! I’ll try it out :3 also i wanted to say thank you for making this game ever since we figured out about it purple has become our top comfort game especially when its one of the games we found with DID representation.
oh! its not the mouth one, you want the other two holes in the area! its just in the same area as the big mouth monster
theres a hole in the ground that will teleport you to a hole standing up, just go back and forth between those and you should eventually find eve ^w^
so uhm i looked at almost all the files like graphics and the graphics only show sprites from some anime battle rpg game :((
ah those are the base files within rpgmaker x_x it usually hides the game files i added during compression, but i know theres a way to access them, but idk where the tutorial is ;o;
ahh, maybe ive been trying to search for tutorials for what youve said but theyve all said on how to make them sadly
also the program you were mentioning could it be the Rpg maker XP / VX / VX Ace Decrypter? :3
oh that sounds right! im pretty sure thats what ive used in the past ^^ you should be able to open up the files with that !
alright thank you!!
ahah it worked!! ^^
Does anyone know how to get page 7???
I've read the tutorial and searched everywhere in all of the dreams. I could have sworn I got it during my first playthrough, but now that I'm trying to 100% I can't find it. I'm not seeing any other video walkthroughs find it either. Am I just glitched???
(edit) I thought the "burnt bed" was the first bed you appear by, but I'm realizing that's wrong. But I can't find a "burnt bed" anywhere else...
the burnt bed is in the first dream thats in moths brain with the conveyor belts O: its after the first door slams after the hallway, grab the lighter and head to the bottom right corner of the room and you should find the bed!
OH. I thought that was one of Randalls dreams. Thanks!
technically it takes place in moths' psyche! but randalls experiencing it
ofc ! sorry for the confusion ^^
And now I have officially finished the game~
Thank you! Incredible experience! <3
I think I need some help because I'm a bit lost. I am currently in Moth's nightmare with the multiple doors and such. I found a locker in the red room, but I can't seem to find any code for it... Unless im missing a piece of clue or something?
the hint to the code to the locker is in the phone world (walk to the left of the locker and youll see some arms and legs in a specific shape, walk up through the legs)
the code is a combo of 3 numbers in that world that make the same sound (or is repeated in the phone booths), you have to figure out what order they go in (theres a double number)
although you dont need to figure out the locker to progress the game, its just extra content you can do, theres a walkthrough you can download on the game page thatll walk you through what to do in this area
Thank you so much!! I actually somehow found another way to access the phone room through a phonebooth i found in the maze with eyes and giant monster! And i gotta say its really worth it to finnaly access the locker!! I really love discovering some extra content and easter eggs in your game!! It just say how much you pour your heart into it!! Once again thank you so much for making this game and also for the heart touching experience, right now Im trying to get the secret and Gaspar ending!! Please don't forget to go easy on yourself and keep yourself hydrated ^^
Im just going to say this
I thought I was being gaslit when I played this a couple years back and that it never existed and this was the new game. I was so fixated on being right I went home to find my old laptop and found the old game on it!
I wanted to leave this comment here, that I love the updateeeeeeeeeeee super worth ti! Im so proud of the amazing work and effort into the 2024 version :)
I am writing through a translator, I hope it will be clear what my problem is ((( I was stuck at the moment of the moth chasing us in the hospital, that is, I was able to escape from him, but what to do next? I have a piece of paper with code 457, but I can't open the doors with it and I can't go out through the exit and through the roof, I can't leave the room at all, I don't understand, maybe I missed something? What could this be about?? Please help me!!(
theres a walkthrough you can download if it helps, its a text document so you should be able to translate it
unfortunately, im not sure exactly where you are in the game, but it sounds like you havent used the phone yet? if you ran from moths in the cafeteria after getting the box cutter, youll get a prompt to use the phone, from there you call the number you found earlier in your inventory
Thanks for the answer!

a saw that art from characterhub
how can I get the art in the game?
or is this just art?
to get that cg you have to do the tate/messiah secret ending! theres a guide for it in the ending guide you can download for free on the itchio page for the game ^w^
this cg in partulcular is if you die during one of the quick time hiding scenes!
spoilers again!
I`ve already tried to die after and until this scene,but tate and massiah`ve just killed me without the art
sorry for bothering,but I don`t understand:(
also captured one of the scenes but I don`t know
can you watch
P.S:I`ve also tried to redownload game,but it has`t worked
ah sorry i dont feel comfortable clicking links, but its the scene where youre supposed to hide in a tent, instead hide under a table during that scene and you should get the cg
I got it
thank you so much:)))))))
hi, in some places I use a translator, but I hope that it will be clear what I mean. I started this amazing game on my Android with the JoiPlay emulator(yes, I know that this game is not supposed to be used on android) everything is fine (although the text is smaller.... maybe I should just look at the settings JoiPlay.)
the only problem is that at first I didn't understand where to save the gameplay. my files were empty, I clicked on the "load" button, and I got an error:
"Script 'Game_System' line 92: NoMethodError occured." "undefined method 'play' for nil:NilClass"
this confused me, then I just played on and realized that only later it would give me the opportunity to save the game..... It's just my stupidity.
I really love this game, thank you a lot. playing it makes me feel calmer in my soul. an amazing feeling